
Showing posts from 2013

Himalayan Tragedy

A spate of major events happened in India during the last 15-20 days. The first one is the sad event of cloudburst in the state of Uttarakhand leaving thousands dead and thousands more were stranded over treacherous hills for days on end with hardly anything to sustain till the rescue happened. In the temple town of Kedarnath, except for the temple (which can be termed as a miracle) almost all was swept away by the rampaging Alaknanda river. The event had become a major tragedy main due to being the in peak pilgrim season and this being the most important pilgrim circuit for the Hindus. The rescue efforts could not be started immediately due to roads getting washed away, land slides and extremely bad weather. The rescue efforts have almost come to a close with respect to the pilgrims by now. However the state government of Uttarakhand to rehabilitate the local population which plight has not been highlighted by the Indian Media so far. With heroic efforts of ITBP, Indian Air Force...

Competencies for a Good Leaderrship

This is an article I found on the net and found it to be a good read. The credit goes to the original publisher for this article. Most members of a team know when they’re doing their work well. They often have a particular area of expertise, and they have deadlines and deliverables.  For leaders, it’s a bit different. How do you show that you’re leading? Here are five competencies that good leaders demonstrate. They are related to one another, and each is framed with a question to help you think about opportunities to display leadership. 1. Visibility We know that leaders need to be seen by followers--from formal presentations and announcements, to a crisis, to simple “managing by walking around.”  The less-obvious occasions, however, are easily overlooked. They can be lost opportunities, or powerful expressions of leadership. As a leader, when do you feel out of your comfort zone? Maybe it’s when you have to deliver bad or unpopular news, or mediate a conf...

Mitavali - A temple which inspired the design of Indian Parliament

The Shiva Temple at Mitavali, located around 35 - 40 km from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Incredble India - Bhimbhetka - Prehistoric cave paintings

Security scene in National Capital

The continuing occurrences of rapes in national capital of India is alarming. Looks like a lot of psychos roaming around. The state government needs to beef up the security further. However the public behavior is also nothing great to write home about. If one looks at the infamous gang rape case or the latest case of rape of a 7 year old girl, agitation is ok but destroying the public transport buses, or lynching of a police officer by the crowd during the earlier agitation are really reprehensible. Seems the youth are reverting to the days of 70s to 90s when for any and every thing people used to attack the public transport. It seems the Gen Y are becoming more and more restless and needs a constructive direction. Are political parties listening or or they using them as pawns in their games?

A Good Boss and a Great Boss

Recently I read an article pointing out what a great boss do differently compared to a good boss. I could not get the name of the author of the article but the credit goes to him only. The gist of the article is as below Goal Transformation - A good boss inspires his team to achieve the company goals while a great boss transforms the company goals to the personal goals of his team members. A great boss makes the team realise that they will benefit as much if not more from achieving the company goals be it in the sphere of professional development, opportunities to learn, grow and prosper. An employee who feels a sense of personal purpose  will outshine the one who only works for company goals. Support without seeking credit - A good boss supports his team and at the same time seeks credit for the same while a great boss supports and dispenses due credits to the team for their achievements instead of seeking personal glory. Decision Making - A good boss takes a decisi...

Khajhuraho - A different view

Khajhuraho temples are famous for their erotic sculptures. They are a set of 4 temples located in a single compound. Khajhuraho is around 400 km from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Here is another view of Khajhuraho which is different from the normal photos of erotic sculptures.

African Safari - Equator Line, Sipi and Sisiye waterfalls

Few people know that Equator passes through Uganda. I have put up a picture of a small indicator showing the location of Equator line in Uganda. Similarly, there are two good but lesser known waterfalls in Uganda which are Sipi and Sisiye falls. Uploading photos of the same. Lake Victora is one of the Great Lakes of Africa which is in the midst of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In fact, the runway at Entebbe international airport in Uganda is by the side of the Lake. Recently a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Balaji was constructed on a hill adjoining the lake.