Competencies for a Good Leaderrship
This is an article I found on the net and found it to be a good read. The credit goes to the original publisher for this article. Most members of a team know when they’re doing their work well. They often have a particular area of expertise, and they have deadlines and deliverables. For leaders, it’s a bit different. How do you show that you’re leading? Here are five competencies that good leaders demonstrate. They are related to one another, and each is framed with a question to help you think about opportunities to display leadership. 1. Visibility We know that leaders need to be seen by followers--from formal presentations and announcements, to a crisis, to simple “managing by walking around.” The less-obvious occasions, however, are easily overlooked. They can be lost opportunities, or powerful expressions of leadership. As a leader, when do you feel out of your comfort zone? Maybe it’s when you have to deliver bad or unpopular news, or mediate a conf...